
Klipped kippas
Klipped kippas

klipped kippas

Jon realized how practical this would be for everyone. The patent office thought that this innovation was novel enough to warrant legal status in the US, and it was off to the races from there. Later, Jon went through the legal work of acquiring a US Patent. This breakthrough meant that his team could play without violating any of the rules, while also making it convenient for everyone else. So Jon thought hard about it and developed a kippah where the clip was part of the yarmulke itself. That meant that creative problem solving was needed to make sure that the kids could still play. Playing without the yarmulke simply wasn’t an option. That left Jon and the team in a bit of a conundrum. They were not part of the standard uniform and would not be allowed.

klipped kippas

That if they wanted to play in games with their yarmulkes, they would have to find another way to do it because the clips could potentially puncture an opponent. However, one year, the state of Florida said no. Most years, they said that it wouldn’t be a problem to just use a clip to affix the yarmulke on so that it didn’t slide off. Every single year he asked the state of Florida if it was okay that the team play with clips so that the yarmulkes stayed on their heads as the team dribbled, ran, and jumped across the court. To be specific, he was the coach of a team that was made up of Jewish boys who played with their yarmulkes on. You see, Jon was also the coach of a basketball team. So how does an architect get into this sphere? The answer involves another sphere that came to influence the decision. The founder did not start out wanting to sell custom kippahs online, or at least he didn’t directly. As one of the biggest online stores for custom kippahs, we believe that our story is worth understanding. Sam Walton started Wal-Mart so that he could give the people of Rogers, Arkansas, an affordable place to shop. Bill Gates and Paul Allen started Microsoft so that everyday people could enjoy using a personal computer.

klipped kippas

Every good business has a story behind it.

Klipped kippas